S.T.A.F. La Doré, as a responsible business, has been concerned about the environment since its creation in 1999. We and our employees are aware that our actions make a mark that can have a major impact on the environment
We are aware of our role with respect to natural resources in forestry, in particular wildlife, water, soil, landscape and biodiversity. That is why we educate our employees to respect the environment and actively participate in sustainable forestry practices through training and documentation covering the environment and wildlife. We regularly and proactively continue to develop, in conjunction with employees, their sense of responsibility in environmental matters.
We are committed to comply with and exceed the requirements set out in laws and regulations to ensure that populations affected by our forestry operations, future generations and our employees are all able to benefit from a healthy, safe and prosperous future.
In addition, we will continue to comply with the requirements of our BNQ certificate for the sound management of our business (PGES). We plan to do this with the cooperation of our employees, continuing pre-season orientation.
We are committed to establish specific objectives in order to continuously and preventatively reduce our environmental impact and support our employees to this end.
Anyone working for S.T.A.F. La Doré will be aware of this policy upon hiring and our policy will be displayed in the workplace and on our website, available to the public.